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No New Posts 101 - Professor Grant

It is inevitable not to pass this room as it is one of the first rooms by the entrance of the building. One thing to note about the door is that on the door is a sign saying 'Always Open.' On the inside there are three bookshelves against the back wall, all lined with books on various subjects, ranging from Science-Fiction to Sociology. There is an old oak desk that is still in good condition on the adjacent wall to the bookcases. Above the desk on the wall are the degrees as well as a few pictures. Notable pictures are Jame with an old General both standing side by side at attention; one with Jame and Yugi that was dated in 2004, and one with Jame and the Creator of Duel Monster's standing side by side and shaking hands. On the opposite side is a plain looking double bed.

Moderator: Jame Grant

1 9 Expressing Concern (Jame/Open?)
by Robert Zanrou
Oct 25, 2009 15:10:41 GMT -5
No New Posts 113 - Louis

About the sized and shape of regular rooms, the dorm number is 113. The room has many books that are from different time frames and some are in foreign languages. On a board are many papers, some handwritten, some that look like they were ripped from books. On the walls are posters if different wonders of the world like the pyramids and the Colossus of Rhodes. On his deck he just has the bible and a photo album.

Moderator: Louis Kachala

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No New Posts 130 - Sabrina Saikomi

A simple room, really. A bunk bed for her and any roommate she may have later, a small kitchenette, a pair of desks right next to each other and in front of the window, matching chairs, and a bathroom. Sabrina's desk has several things on top of it, including a cup of pens, a deck of tarot cards, and a Duel Monsters deck. Aside from that, everything is relatively bare and will probably be decorated on a later note.

Moderator: Sabrina Saikomi

1 5 Bringing Her In (Setsuna M.)
by Sabrina Saikomi
Nov 21, 2009 15:22:30 GMT -5
No New Posts 137 - Alexander

Room 137, bookcases filled to the brim lie on the left wall as one enters, a large window presents one with a spectacular view of the mountains in the distance. The books themselves relate to topics ranging from metagame dueling tactics to analysing the chemical properties of the realms.

Lined up against the wall lies a desk with a very modern computer, beside it lie those books that Alexander uses most often for his research on the realms. More often than not the curtains that lie on each side of the window are drawn as Alex keeps to himself. The monitor to his computer is keep on most of the time and thus anyone passing by in the corridoor would hear a strange buzzing as they did so.

On the right hand side of the room is a simple single bed lined with linen and always kept in a neat fashion, probably because most nights Alex ends up falling asleep at the computer anyway. At the head of such a bed is a door leading into the bathroom, which consists quite simply of a shower and a toilet.

Strange that a single child from such a well of family should live in such a confined space, but Alex, being Alex, would have it no other way.

Moderator: Alexander Siphon

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No New Posts 142 - Alfonse

Room 142 belongs to the strange-acting student Alfonse, the first thing you would notice when oppening the door is the big, self-explanatory, shining poster displaying "Honest" with the simple caption of "Be...." below, that covers about 1/5th of the center wall, the room is in fair order, a desk with a portable console and a small computer on the left with several compartments to the extra cards, all locked with a master key hidden outside the room, a shaved mat in the floor to slide through easily, normally used to practice swordplay, the bed that goes unnoticed in the far corner and several pieces of old armory on the wall of the right, otherwise the area is unmodified......if you discarded the treathening image that seems to be always watching you and a Zweihander, a piece of armor and a replica of an old rifle on a rack of course.

Moderator: Alfonse Shain

1 1 Why so Surprised? (Open?)
by Alfonse Shain
Oct 27, 2009 19:20:15 GMT -5
No New Posts 145 - Apollo

The room is extremely warm, the heater runs on a lot in this dorm. There are five blankets over the bed, their is a mini fridge that never gets too cold, and the shower is never used for cold water. Apollo has a coat wrack by his door so he can hang up his coat (duh). There is also a strange white pillow on his bed that has some kind of insignia scribbled out. The only legible words are "Figure" "Wicked" Erase" and "Combine".

Moderator: Apollo Shiyoke

1 18 Dawn of the Alliance (Closed)
by Amaya Sagisawa
Oct 9, 2009 17:26:01 GMT -5
No New Posts 153 - Casper

Casper's room looks like the room of a newspaper reporter. The whole thing, wherever there's not furniture, is covered in newspaper articles. However, there's just one thing. Every article is about an incident a few years ago in a small town called Silent Hill. Beneath these clippings are little drawings of monster, fiends that Casper claims that they haunt him in his nightmares and they killed his family. Other than that, Casper has put up blackout curtains and keeps them tightly drawn at all times.

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No New Posts 154 - DJ

Room 154 is a simple, practical space with a hint of class. Two small desks lay across the room from one another, one having a laptop on top and the other for drawing or writing, one for reason and mathematics and the other for art and creativity. Everything within this room is balanced, even the earth tones on the walls and floor and the hardwood floor to the soft, fluffy cloud-like bed express the natural feel of the surroundings. Small knick-knacks and unique decorations decorate the walls and shelves while boxes of dueling cards and collections of fanboy momentos hide under the bed.

Moderator: DJ Reilty

1 13 First Impressions
by DJ Reilty
Sept 20, 2009 18:31:21 GMT -5
No New Posts 155 - Paige

Room 155, located conveniently between room 154 and 156, is a rather quaint, hardly lived in area. The theme seemed to be "white and simple". White bed sheets on top of her always neatly made bed, one pillow, a completely clean, wooden desk with one lamp on the left hand side, and one empty notebook on the right. Clothing neatly folded away, not a hair out of place. Her room always has a wonderfully elegant scent of Febreeze(TM).

In short, if the girl living here were to mysteriously vanish one night, there would be very little to indicate anyone ever lived here at all to begin with.

Moderator: Paige Turner

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No New Posts 156 - Mizuki and Roxxan

A plainly white walled room with a small quaint little door. The dorm number is 156 and has a bed off to the side of the room with a desk underneath the window and a large closet. In the corner is a set up of a guitar on a stand connected to an amp, the only musical instrument that Mizuki owns. The desk is usually very messy and cluttered with notes and pencils and sometimes even chai teabags in a saucer. In the far corner on a desk is a tiny table with a teacup, a box of chai teabags and an electric kettle. Roxxan's side of the room is bland, not decorated in any way like the room of a preteen girl. There is no make up scattered around the floor, only books neatly placed in the shelf of a small book case. There is a white round carpet in front of her bed.. There is a white night stand next to her bed and a desk with the papers neatly placed next to a laptop. Most of her clothing fits in the dresser at the foot of her bed, only her coats and dresses are placed in the closet.

Moderators: Mizuki Haruka, Roxxan Greenfield

2 8 What Nonsense is This!? (Open)
by Roxxan Greenfield
Dec 30, 2009 10:57:07 GMT -5
No New Posts 157 - Will

Dorm Number 157.. yes, right accross the hall. In this room Will spends his time studying.. or not.. in fact, he spends an aweful lot of time in his room. The room itself is rather normal, with the standard room furnishing, as well as a desk with computer, and standard yellow on the walls. However, he has large pictures of storms throughout the room, and a kind of shrine on one wall, in Japanese tradition, honoring his parents. Of course, one would have to go into the room to see it.

Moderator: Wiriamu "William" Nimbus

1 51 Regeneration [Louis/Will/Open]
by Louis Kachala
Nov 30, 2009 10:50:11 GMT -5
No New Posts 166 - Issy

Dorm Room 166 is seeming jammed in between the two rooms right next to it, providing slightly less living space than would be normal. Within, it tends towards a state of mess, and chaos, with multiple post-it notes stuck to walls, with reminders of things to do. Otherwise there are many pieces of paper scattered around the place, with notes on them, often stopped half sentence. The dressing of the room is simple, a bed, a wardrobe and a couple of boxes, nothing more.

Moderator: Issy Kentra

2 31 Wait, what? [open]
by Issy Kentra
Dec 24, 2009 9:29:41 GMT -5
No New Posts 167 - Alexander

Alex's room is neat and tidy, a small room with the necessities and a few extras thrown in as well, a small bed with blue covers and sheets, a desk with a few papers and pencils and books strew across its surface. The desk has several drawers crammed with .. various things that your average schoolboy would have, a laptop, spare deck, some DVD's and so on. as soon as you walk in the room off to the right is a small bathroom with a showers and a sink and a toilet.

If you were to walk past this, on your right as you walked in would be a small, low table, on this you would find Alex's school bag if he was in the room, and also a Hamster cage containing Chico and Chica, his pet hamsters, contained within plastic they are in their own little world, sometimes he lets them out to play, sometimes not.

Walking past this you would reach a glass sliding door which leads out onto a small veranda sort of setting, only a meter or so, just enough room for a simple chair and some thinking space. Walking back into the room you would only now notice a large bookshelf, on the right side of the door, from floor to ceiling and filled to the brim with books of every type, size and shape, just some light reading between lessons or in the evenings, and that's about it.

Moderator: Alexander Koshi

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No New Posts 169 - Setsuna and Kalico

A tidy little room, with 2 beds, one either side of the room, and 2 desks across from each other, as if the room has been divided identically down the middle. Strewn across both desks are either girls stuff, pens, pencils, belonging to both girls somehow floating across the room to the others desk. On Setsuna's desk their is a small television, so she and Kali-Chan can snuggle up and watch television. On Kalico's desk there is a laptop, so she and Sets-chan can cuddle up and watch stuff online, the room also has a nice feel to it, the sort of homeliness as if the pair of student in it were a couple living in a house. Both beds are often unmade and don’t be surprised if you find both of girls sharing a bed just for the sake of convenience, either that of Setsuna will be missing her sheets because they are in the wash for some reason.

Covering the only free wall is a bookshelf filled with books belong to both girls, all jumbled up so that neither knows who's is who's, along the higher shelves is where a lot of Kalico's stuff is, whereas Setsuna's stuff is on the bottom, and on the very top shelf ... well that's a secret for the girls eyes only, and any inquisitive guests. There is a single window on Setsuna’s side of the room, that really being the only difference between the two.

There also a small bathroom off to the left as you enter the room there is a reasonably sized bathroom, the wall are mirrored completely, so it is impossible to not eventually end up seeing your reflection. There is a sink, a toilet, a nice, deep bath with plenty of room for two, and can also be used as a shower if necessary and a small mirrored cupboard filled with various toiletries and make-up and other stuff of which either roommate has procured .

Moderator: Setsuna Kiyoura

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No New Posts 180 - Xenneth

Room 180, that one desolate room at the end of the hall that seems to go unnoticed seeing that it’s just as distant and reserved as the member that stays in there. The rooms seems to have a simplistic design to reflect the tidy nature of it’s keeper: the floors seem to have a permanent speck or smudge once every couple of tiles most likely due to its previous owner. The scent in the room lingers freshly with some sort of botanical red jasmine fresheners most likely to keep the scent just as comforting as the sight as the area seems to consist of clean yellow thick blanket comforters. A single night light with the form of a bulb closed in on a tilting yellow star sits cutely upon the desk. The room seems very much tidy to the point that the owner is obviously a neat freak about his room.

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No New Posts 195 - Robert

The number 'Room 195' is posted on the door, like any other room number. A sign saying either 'Don't enter' or 'Open' is posted on the door, secured by a locked plastic casing. A well kept and tidy room. In the corner lies a computer desk, well organized and well polished. A flat screen computer moniter attatched to a computer tower positioned underneath the desk, along with a printer and a black keyboard decorate the desk. One note worthy feature about this room is that there is no television, but rather a shelf containing various puzzles and some wood carved figurines of various duel monsters, carved and painted to resemble each and every detail. In another corner, his bed. Aside from it being an ordinarily well kept bed, it has some locked compartments within the wooden bed frame. A few feet away, is his dresser. Most of the drawers are ordinary and can just simply be opened, revealing his uniforms, which are neatly rolled up rather than folded. However, some of the drawers are locked in a similar way to his bed compartments. No roommates as of yet.

Moderator: Robert Zanrou

3 19 What in the HELL? (Open)
by Robert Zanrou
Dec 23, 2009 13:00:56 GMT -5
No New Posts 196 - Aikaterine

A simple modern styled room, with a small bed, a medium sized desk, and a dresser at the foot of the bed, a maple wood dresser no less. A small closet is to be found near the entrance to the room, it's small, but fits all that it needs to fit.. Next to the closet is a small private bathroom, a shower, a sink, and a toilet, that's all that is need in a mirror. There is a large, large desk by the bed with a mirror over that too. On the desk is about 30 different colored massacres, a bunch of books, a laptop, a sketchpad, which is empty, go figure, and who knows what, besides for the 30 different colored eyeliners she has. Amazingly everything is crowded to one side of the room, while there's a big empty space on the other side of the room... Aika's a odd duck.

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No New Posts 191 - Will and Akira

Room 191 is shared with Akira Mikan. A regular room with pale walls, a medium-shag carpet and a large window. Large mauve, diamond-patterened drapes cover it most of the time. Both Akira and Renée's sleigh-styled beds are at the opposite sides of the rooms, which are their designated areas. Two cherry-wood nightstands sit beside the beds with matching lamps, the kind you'd often see in hotels. On the opposite sides of the bed, two large chest-of-drawers to keep clothes and possessions beside each bed.

At the other side of the room is a rounded kitchen table with two chairs with a large reddish-purple tablecloth. The table is always cleaned with a simply white vase of fresh flowers set on the table by Renee. A sliding-door closet is located near the door, which shoes, coats and linens are put in there. However, to avoid clutter, the folding iron-board, electric-steam iron and electric kettle are kept in there. A small trunk is kept under the window to store dryfoods or non-perishables in case they get peckish.

Lastly, a small door to the bathroom. It's a small, white-tiled room with a sink, vanity mirror, toilet and a glass-walled shower in it. Toothbrushes, soap and shampoo are kept inside the shower on the little shelves inside. Renee also installed a water-proof radio in the shower. It's fairly plain, besides the towels on the wall.

Moderators: Renée Scarling, Akira Mikan

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No New Posts 199 - Nathan Jeevas

Maybe you heard of that mythical place called Room One-Ninety-Nine, Hello! You're there! Except, it isn't that mythical. You see, inside said 'mythical place' you'll simply find a very well kept-and barely lived in-room. The only things of interest is a large TV connected to an immense ammount of gaming systems, and a even larger amount of movies! In that general area there is controllers scattered on the ground, although across the Video Game area, there is a nice white bed with a bed side table holding up a picture of Jeevas' parents, a GameBoy and his dueling deck.

Moderator: Nathan 'Sevejax' Jeevas

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Ra Yellow

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Welcome Back to School [OPEN]
Alan Padmore 0 796 by Alan Padmore
Aug 12, 2010 14:16:18 GMT -5
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newBookmarkLockedFalling Ra Yellow Dorm Application
Duel Academy 23 1,058 by Travis Sykes
Dec 28, 2009 16:57:35 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Wandering Aimlessly Once Again (Open)
Akira Mikan 4 372 by Paige Turner
Jan 5, 2010 12:45:55 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Meeting New Friends (Ivan and Jeevas)
Nathan 'Sevejax' Jeevas 38 843 by Alexander Siphon
Nov 23, 2009 22:32:04 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling 'OMG LOOK AT ALL THE YELLOW' [Open]
Paige Turner 14 402 by Paige Turner
Nov 22, 2009 12:52:43 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling I'm Home? [open]
Issy Kentra 6 246 by Issy Kentra
Nov 1, 2009 14:29:47 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Spin the Bottle in the Common Room (OPEN)
Alexander Koshi 49 1,301 by Issy Kentra
Oct 27, 2009 16:10:39 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling An Untimely Bump (Mizuki)
Wiriamu "William" Nimbus 26 706 by Wiriamu "William" Nimbus
Sept 21, 2009 17:57:42 GMT -5


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